A note from Rebecca: The first obstacle toward presence and full creative expression is usually ourselves. Our judgments and habitual thinking keep us in a comfort zone that make it difficult to live in the glory of our potential. We often second guess our first instincts and kill creativity with self-annihilating thoughts. Meditation, in any form, helps us step into who we are and who we might become.
What do you already have that you’re not using? That’s one of the first questions I ask my students. Since I teach Movement for Actors, my framework is usually the body. What I’m really asking is, “Are you aware of your body and its expressive potential? Are you aware of the body’s inherent wisdom to guide you into presence, joy and freedom?”
My students are usually open to anything that will allow them to express themselves, expand their creativity and explore the unknown. I invite them to identify and honor what they already know, but of which they might not be conscious. The practices offered here are not just for actors, but for anyone who wants to return to the body, relieve stress and cultivate creativity.
These meditations can help you identify and detach from the destructive voices in your head. By practicing meditation and embodiment, we can take deliberate action toward our purpose instead of going down the many paths of distraction.
I offer these guided meditations and movement practices as a way to come back to the body, be on your breath and live in your intention. If you’d like a one-on-one guided movement meditation or creative consultation, please reach out. Thanks for visiting. Enjoy!